My Garden Journey

I started my native garden in October of 2024. It started because there is a rebate program that is available through Santa Clara Valley Water that covers lawn replacement.

I’ve always been an avid hiker, and was very involved in posting the native plants that I saw to iNaturalist, so I thought it would be really fun to make a native garden that included my favorite plants that I saw while hiking.

My Plants

If you are curious about the plants I have selected for my garden, here are my plant lists!

Front Yard
My plants selected for my front yard needed to take into account that some of them will eventually be under the canopy of my oak tree as it grows up.

Front Yard Rock Garden
In an area in my front yard, I put in a rock garden within part shade for some variety in plant types.

Front Yard Wildflowers
During the rainy season, I put out all of these different seed types in different areas of my yard. Excited to see what ends up blooming in the spring!

Book a Consultation

Are you interested in learning more about California native plants? Do you want to do a lawn replacement project, but not sure how to get started? Feel free to reach out!